Code: U3



Waitomo – Lost World 100m Abseil – Half Day Option – 1 person –  Amazing gift experience – gentle and suitable for all ages. Spectacular! Abseil 100m into the Lost World tomo (vertical entrance shaft) followed by a dry caving adventure as you explore the gigantic vaults of the Mangapu Cave system. Surprisingly gentle, but an amazing head trip The descent takes around 30 minutes of the total half day required. Abseil slowly alongside your instructor who although on a separate rope provides information, reassurance …and a backup safety tether. Imagine freehanging in a massive void..bouncing a bit & turning because of the sheer length of the rope. Look around into upper levels of the cave and giant spagatites (look like giant green hands growing out of the walls). Wierd plants struggle to cling to the sheer walls and all the while the roar of the Mangapu river echoes up from caverns far below. One guide looks after up to 4 people – who all make their unforgettable descent together down through the surreal mists and eventually landing in the base of this massive cavern. Once down, take in the awesome views before starting on an even more amazing trip back to the surface. Climb over massive slabs of rock and a series of ladders. See excellent glowworms and huge flowstone formations. See why Tom Cruise did this trip 4 times!

Key Information

This gift experience is supplied as a voucher that is valid for 12 months. It will be sent out with full details of the gift and booking instructions.


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